DTU honorary alumnus 2023: Hans Aage Hjuler

Education from DTU: MSc in Engineering (1980), PhD (1983)
Current job: Lab Manager, copenhagen atomics
Grounds for the appointment:
Over the years, Hans Aage has contributed to DTU in many ways:
- He has served on DTU's Board of Representatives as well as the Advisory Board for DTU Energy;
- been an examiner for several student projects;
- contributed to broad collaboration between DTU and most other universities in Denmark;
- made collaborative projects at Bsc, MSc and PhD level between DTU and Danish Power Systems (DPS) and obtained funds for countless projects between DTU and DPS from Denmark and the EU;
- has been the supervisor of numerous BSc, MSc and PhD students;
- was a censor at DTU Chemistry, Physics and Energy.
Hans Aage created the DTU start-up Danish Power Systems (DPS) in 1994. DPS was sold to Blue World Technology in 2021 - and he has put DPS (and thus also DTU) on the international agenda regarding fuel cells.
Together with Søren Linderoth, Head of Department at DTU Energy, Hans Aage founded the Danish Center for Energy Storage (DaCES), which today has 6 universities and a large number of small and large companies as members.