Kickstart your career in Denmark

Make sure to take advantage of the career guidance that the DTU Centre offers new graduates. Find online tips & tricks and get in-person career guidance.

DTU Alumni share their top tips


Graduate Career Cafés

Reserve a seat at the Career Cafés facilitated by DTU Career Centre. Here you will spend an informal afternoon job hunting with fellow graduates. You will be able to share tips and tricks, expand your network, give feedback at each other’s CV's & cover letters and basically elevate your professional job hunt one sip at a time.

Check the event calendar on DTU Career Hub for upcoming Graduate Career Cafés 


Watch online tips to speed up your job hunting process

Expand your alumni network by using LinkedIn as a research database


In person career guidance with the DTU Career Centre

The DTU Career Centre offers drop in career guidance and CV feedback on Mondays 12pm – 2pm & pre-booked CV feedback on Wednesdays 11am – 3pm.

All career guidance takes place in front of the DTU Career Centre, DTU Library, Building 101, Lyngby Campus.


Job fairs, career bazaars and graduate events

Stay up to speed by joining the many opportunities to meet exciting companies scouting for talent.

IDA - The Danish Society of Engineers

IDA represents the voice of technology – it is a professional organisation and trade union based on knowledge, networks, and the interests of 150,000 members studying or working in STEM.


AKA – An Unemployment Insurance Fund for Academics

To be eligible for unemployment benefits (dagpenge) in Denmark, you must be a member of a state authorized unemployment insurance fund (A-kasse). Unemployment insurance funds are private member organizations and becoming a member is voluntary, but a membership will secure you an income, if you are made redundant.