DTU Alumni Friday Bar


DTU Alumni Friday Bar


24. nov 19:00 - 25. nov 2023 02:00


Anker Engelunds Vej 1, building 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU Alumni and Polyteknisk Forening


DTU Alumni

DTU Alumni Friday Bar

DTU Alumni Friday Bar

Do you want to celebrate your graduation?

Do you miss the time at DTU and would you like to have a good time with your friends from your study time?

Perhaps it's time to celebrate your 5th or 10th anniversary?
No matter what, DTU and PF create the framework for a fun and cozy reunion at DTU Alumni Friday Bar on Friday 24 November 2023 in S-Huset at Lyngby Campus.

The programme is simple:

19:00 Doors open
21:00-02:00 DJ and party

You can continue the party in kælderbaren afterwards.

The price for attending the DTU Alumni Friday Bar is only DKK 60, which includes a drink and helps us cover the expenses for a DJ and staff. The bar is open all night at your own expense.

Sign up here (the registration process is in Danish)

To register, you must be a member of DTU's alumni network, DTU Alumni. Membership is free and non-binding and allows you to stay updated on what is happening at DTU and to be invited to relevant events and activities. Join DTU Alumni here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
DTU and PF

Please note: The registration is binding. Unfortunately, we cannot offer to refund the DKK 60 if you should be prevented from participating (it would require excessive administrative expenses).