Graduation Ceremonies

At DTU, we are proud of our graduates, and we celebrate the academic accomplishments of all new graduates at biannual Graduation Ceremonies.

Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies

Bachelors of Engineering: Tuesday 12 November 2024 (the event is held in Danish)

Masters of Science in Engineering: Wednesday 13 November 2024 + Thursday 14 November 2024 (the event is held in English)

These Graduation Ceremonies are for graduates who have completed their education in the period 16 April - 30 September 2024 (end dates registered by the study administration).

Due to a very large number of MSc graduates, it is necessary to spread the Graduation Ceremony for MSc graduates over 2 days.

The Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday 13 November will be for the following study programmes:

  • Applied Chemistry
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
  • Biomaterial Engineering for Medicine (Advanced Materials and Healthcare Engineering)
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Design and Innovation
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Food Technology
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering
  • Quantitative Biology and Disease Modelling
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (Aquatic Science and Technology)
  • Transportation and Logistics

The Graduation Ceremony on Thursday 14 November will be for the following study programmes:

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Business Analytics
  • Communication Technologies and System Design
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Earth and Space Physics and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Acoustics
  • Engineering Light (Photonics Engineering)
  • Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
  • Mathematical Modelling and Computation
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics and Nanotechnology
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Technology Entrepreneurship
  • Wind Energy



Practical Information/FAQ

When will I receive my exam certificate/diploma?
You can find all information about exam certificates/diplomas here.

When will I receive my invitation?
We will send personal invitations to all relevant graduates approx. 5 weeks before the Graduation Ceremony. Invitations will be sent to either the e-mail the graduates have registered as members of DTU Alumni or to the DTU student e-mail (for other graduates who are not members of DTU Alumni). If you want to be sure to receive your invitation, please register as a member of DTU Alumni and make sure that we have your e-mail address (use an e-mail that we can also use to get in touch with you in the future).

Can I participate in a different Graduate Ceremony earlier or later?
Unfortunately, for practical and logistical reasons, DTU cannot offer you to participate in a different Graduation Ceremony than the one to which you are invited. 400-800 graduates are invited to each Graduation Ceremony.

How do I register?
You register for the Graduation Ceremony through the link in your personal invitation.

Where does the event take place and how is the programme? 
The event takes place in building 101 on DTU Lyngby campus. 

First, there will be an official ceremony in the sports hall with speeches and presentations of all registered graduates, which lasts about 1-1½ hour.

Subsequently, there will be an informal celebration divided by study programmes and together with the heads of study. This part will last ½-1 hour. A glass of bubbles will be served here (with or without alcohol).
How should I dress?

There is no official dress code, but the trend for most ceremonies is a mix between casual and well dressed.

Whom should I bring to the ceremony?
All registered graduates can bring up to 3 guests.

Most graduates bring their parents, their boyfriend/ girlfriend or other relatives, but close friends are also welcome.

Family and friends will also be able to watch via livestreaming (see link below).

Where can I park?
There are parking lots at building 101 adjacent to Anker Engelunds Vej and at Studentertorvet. See map.

Find your way to DTU Lyngby Campus - be aware of the road closure of Anker Engelunds Vej.

Will there be a photographer?
Yes, a photographer will take photos of all graduates. The photos will be published on Flickr (for high resolution downloads) as well as on DTU Alumni's Facebook page within 1-2 weeks. All registered graduates will be notified directly by email when the photos are available.

Will the Graduation Ceremony be live streamed?
If you are unable to attend in person, or if you know more people who would like to watch, the official ceremony will be streamed on this link: (leads to now but will lead to the live streaming at the time of the event).

What if I become ill or for some reason cannot attend?
If you become ill or are prevented from attending, you can still watch the Graduation Ceremony via live streaming.

I complete my education on 1 October 2024 or later – when will I be invited to a Graduation Ceremony?
You will be invited to a Graduation Ceremony in June 2025. The dates have not yet been determined and will be announced in the early spring 2025.